Innovative Community Participation

At Gifted Hands, we support participants to build skills to diligently participate in community clubs and events.

Innovative Community Participation

At Gifted Hands, we support participants to build skills to diligently participate in community clubs and events. Our staff work tirelessly to connect participants with community events and assist them to successfully take part in such events. Through our assistance, participants learn to successfully transition into informal support and/or employment.

Participants who involve themselves in this program can expect support working on the following:

  1. The value of community participation and maintenance of social relationship and contribution
  2. Self-care and self-awareness
  3. Inculcating awareness of personal interests and hobbies
  4. Emotional awareness and self-regulation
  5. Increased awareness of social norms and behaviors
  6. Building of capacity to ask for support in community context without approaching existing formal support systems

Any further questions?

Like to speak to one of our registered nurses, please call or contact us.

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